Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Hello everyone, I hope your summer is going well!
Sara had a wonderful vacation with her family last week. What a blessing it is to be able to share fun times with the people you love. Monday she went to the Doctor it was routine because they took blood and bone marrow and set it out for test. You know how that goes..we won't know any results until Friday! But Good News! Her white blood cell counts are down and now are at 4400! Praise God! They have found a possible donor and it is looking good. They should more know more on Friday. Please continue to pray that the donor will perfect for Sara and that the meds keep working. Sorry for not updating quicker but I have been a little under the weather. Thank you for your prayers!


Monday, June 15, 2009

Not to late to Register with the National Registry!

Hello everyone!
Donor drive #3 was a huge success we had 97 people that came to Christ Chapel! Praise God! Thank you to all that came out. But wait! It's not to late! If you could not make it to one of the donor drives that's OK! You can still register. Go to www.bethematch.org and register on line and they will send you a kit for FREE! Yes I said FREE! From now until the 22nd of June they are sending out FREE test kits! Jeff Gordon Foundation is funding this drive! So please take a minute to send off for your test kit you may be the Match!

Update on Sara,
She is doing well right now just went to the doctor and her counts went up a little but the doctor does not seem to be concerned. The whole family is going on vacation this weekend and when they get back she will be going to the doctor to check her blast cells, that will determine when they will do the transplant! Please pray for safety for the family as they travel and keep praying for Sara's healing! I hope all of you are having a great summer and remember to enjoy your family time!

Many blessings,

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Abilene Donor Drive was a great success!

On Monday June 8th we had another Donor Drive for Sara in Abilene. With the help of her cousin Dr. and Mrs. Strader, one of Sara's dearest friends Janie the Abilene drive was incredible! We had 196 people come to the drive. What a huge blessing that was, the Abilene folks were so friendly and willing to help. Sara go to connect with old friends and people who just came because someone told them about it and they wanted to be able to save a life. God is so good! It put it in our hearts to love each other and to help each other and what better way than to give of yourself.

I need the people of Fort Worth to unite for this cause. We are having another drive on Thur. June 11th at Christ Chapel in FW right off Montgomery. The time will be form 11-7. What I need from everyone that is reading this blog is for you to send out an e-mail to all of your e-mail contacts and then have them send it out to all their e-mail contacts and before you know it we will beat the Abilene turn out. Come on FW I know you can do it. There is no better person to do this for than Sara! (She is truly an angel)

If you want more information on Bone Marrow Donation please go to www.bethematch.org or call me at 817-793-1146
I have great stories to tell you and Sara is going to the doctor today so I will have another post soon to give you an update.

Love to all,

Monday, June 1, 2009

1st Donor Drive Huge Success!

Greeting everyone!
The first of many donor drives have been completed! We had 87 donors and collected over 1,400 dollars. Yea! Yea! X%X% (this is me doing back flips)! Wow what a great turn out. Julie who is the donor recruiter for Cooks and the National Marrow Donor Program was thrilled about getting so many people out. I told her that everyone that knows Sara would do anything to help such a precious woman of God so I was not surprised that we had such a great turn out. For those of you who got to come and get in the registry what a fun fellowship it was to visit with Sara and hopefully Be A Match! Some more good news, Sara went to the doctor this week and her white blood cell counts went down to 5,600 which is great, this means the new medication is working, Praise God, Prayer works! Let's give Him all the Glory and Honor. Now if her white blood cells get down to about 4,000 and they can keep them there until they find a match we are in business! So that is what our prayer should be now.

Next on the list is I (with the help of Dr.Jerry Strader) have set up another donor drive. This will be in Abilene TX. on June 8, 2008 from 11-8 at the Center for Conflict Resolution. But I need some help, we have to get the word out for people to come. The more people that get in the registry the better chance Sara has at finding a match. The good news is that since Dr. Strader secured a place on the ACU campus the donor drive is free! Yes, I said FREE! So we can have 500 people and it won't cost anything. Because we are having it on a college campus there is funding that pays for donor registry. So one million thanks to Dr. Strader for making this happen!
If everyone would send out e-mails to all their family and friends that live in Abilene and tell them to send out to their family and friends we can get our 500 people. Also if you have connections with a Church in Abilene let's get it in the bulletin's this week and even a blast e-mail.

I am still working on getting at least two more drives in Fort Worth, if you have any contacts at colleges please let me know because if we can do it on a college campus it will be at no cost. Give me a call if you can help 817-793-1146.

Pour out God's blessings on everyone you meet!