Monday, June 15, 2009

Not to late to Register with the National Registry!

Hello everyone!
Donor drive #3 was a huge success we had 97 people that came to Christ Chapel! Praise God! Thank you to all that came out. But wait! It's not to late! If you could not make it to one of the donor drives that's OK! You can still register. Go to and register on line and they will send you a kit for FREE! Yes I said FREE! From now until the 22nd of June they are sending out FREE test kits! Jeff Gordon Foundation is funding this drive! So please take a minute to send off for your test kit you may be the Match!

Update on Sara,
She is doing well right now just went to the doctor and her counts went up a little but the doctor does not seem to be concerned. The whole family is going on vacation this weekend and when they get back she will be going to the doctor to check her blast cells, that will determine when they will do the transplant! Please pray for safety for the family as they travel and keep praying for Sara's healing! I hope all of you are having a great summer and remember to enjoy your family time!

Many blessings,

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